Tuesday, June 8, 2010



Tonight we passed out equipment to 37 players. We have another 23 players who will be getting their equipment later in the summer. Remember that all players must either have their physicals, or appointments made, to receive their helmet and shoulder pads.

We will continue to shuffle equipment around to make sure that each player has the best equipment that we have on hand. If your son feels his equipment does not fit properly...for any reason, please have him see me. I tried to fit each player in the appropriate gear and understand it may take a few practices for them to feel solid in their pads. That is one of the reasons we do not have contact in our pads for a few workouts to allow the players to settle into the pads.

Also, players signed for their equipment and are responsible for the equipment. That means they will be bringing it back and forth with them each time to practice. Replacement helmet cost are 250.00 and shoulder pads are replaced at 150.00. They have been asked to place their name on the equipment to make sure they know which one belongs to them. This will be temporary until we get their number issued to stick on the items.

The mouthpiece is the responsibility of the player. I would suggest doing this immediately. Mouthpieces run in a large range from 1.00 to a custom fit from a dentist for much, much more. There are also good options that can be purchased over the counter with trade names such as "Shock Doctor". I would recommend purchasing a mouth piece that is comfortable for your son, allows for the most protection (mouth and secondary concussion prevention) and is within your/his budget.

We will be issuing practice pants and additional pads the last week of the summer. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Go Big Blue, Coach Qualls

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